High Cliff night

Tuesday, 21st July 2015; 10:32 pm

I have a couple of juvenile raccoons who seem intent on invading my camp site. I’ve chased them off half a dozen times, but they keep coming back, close enough that I could kick them if I tried. I have Pop-tarts and granola bars (fresh from the gas station) which will definitely have to be stowed under the seat of the scooter tonight.  I know this means that they’ll instead go after someone else’s stuff, but… I’m not about to sacrifice my breakfast just to maybe protect someone who didn’t prepare for wilderness.  

Despite the wind, today was definitely a better day than Monday. Even with frequent vehicles of various kinds on my tail – my scooter can go 60mph but I don’t like going over 40-45mph – and seas of corn or wheat on either side much of the time, it beats urban/suburban traffic. I’m hoping tomorrow will get even better. 

After dinner I still had time to go for another short hike along Lake Winnebago. It’s no Michigan, but it still does OK in the sunset department.   

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