Morning at the 6

Wednesday, 17th August 2011; 7:59 am

I slept OK… at least comfortably last night. I woke around 7 again, and with less to do and less incentive to loiter, I’m ready to go an hour earlier than usual: about 8.

The scooter’s still there. I’ve never left it in a parking lot overnight before.

There’s a line of rain showers coming across Lake Michigan. If I stay south enough it might miss me. Since staying south was the original plan, I’ll sort of follow that route, at least until the rain passes or it just makes more sense to turn northwestward toward home, regardless. I have rain gear and/or I can find a place to wait for it to pass.

I have a few stops planned along the way, and 160 miles or so shouldn’t require excessive time in the saddle. I’ve gone further in a day, and I’ve done close to that a few times.

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