Noisy neighbors

Wednesday, 25th July 2012; 7:10 am

The other campers in my part of the campground had a generator going when I arrived, but I didn’t worry because of course they’d turn it off before night. And they did. Then a little after 10, when I was completely dark and I couldn’t relocate… they turned it on. And left it on all night. I was tired so I fell asleep quickly enough, but when I woke up a few times in the middle of the night… it wasn’t so easy. This morning I left a simple note for them explaining the problem.

There’s a huge storm system moving in across… the UP. 🙂 Glad I’m not there today. There’s also a line of rain that’s going to cross my path some time this morning. So I’ll gear up when it gets close and hope for a gap.

I have 120 miles to go today. But since I have no sightseeing planned, it should take less than the 6 hours that might otherwise take. I should be home for lunch.


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