Morning in Indiana

Monday, 20th July 2015; 8:06 am

I had a reasonably restful night’s sleep. It’s impossible to find a position that’s comfortable for the full night, so I had to adjust from time to time. I finally woke up for good about 5:30 local time. 

I’ve been going over the map, trying to get a handle on the route I’ll be taking today. Unlike traveling by interstate, where you can memorize a few roads and exits, taking regular roads will involve dozens, for anywhere from 300 feet to 15 miles each. This is where a big paper map would be handy, because zooming in and out on even a 5″ screen doesn’t let you keep your sense of place. I can tell that I’m going to have to stop and reorient myself a lot today. 

At least the weather’s been good. It was cool but not cold last night; 67F and sunny now. Looks like a little rain coming through later today though. 


One Response to “Morning in Indiana”

  1. Mike DB says:

    Glad things seem to be going well so far. They are call for rain hear late this afternoon early evening.