Morning on Huron

Saturday, 21st July 2012; 7:34 am

Las night was quiet after all. A couple vehicles left a little after dark, cutting the noise from that campsite substantially. The baby stopped crying too. A comfy 60F, just a little wind in the trees.

It’s sunny, but that won’t last. It’s raining in Paradise as I write, where there’s a line of thunderstorms coming off Lake Superior. They’ll hit Sault Ste Marie shortly and here in maybe a couple hours. It looks like there might be a partial opening in the front (ie just some rain, not a torrent) but I’m not counting on it. I’ll be getting rained on today. My hope is that it will pass and let me on my way.


One Response to “Morning on Huron”

  1. MOM says:

    The weather is not looking promising today for you. Hope you can find some places to stay dry.