Weather musing

Thursday, 17th August 2017; 10:26 am

It’s lousy weather for an eclipse here today: overcast with intermittent rain. The good news is that this isn’t when/where the eclipse is happening. The not-as-good news is that the forecast for west Kentucky/south Illinois is… pretty meh. Pretty low (but non-zero) chance of rain, and 50% cloud cover, give or take. Probably no rain on the ride down there, but probably some rain on the way home.

So here I sit like a Danish prince, debating whether to risk the slings and arrows of five days on the road for a 50% chance of seeing a total eclipse. It’s a decision I don’t have to make for a couple days… and as usual, that means I won’t.

One Response to “Weather musing”

  1. Todd says:

    I’ve looked into the forecasts for places east or west of Hopkinsville KY, as alternate destinations, but they don’t look substantially better… and maybe even worse. But I’ve filed away one option to the southeast, in case I get down there and that looks better: the town of Nameless, Tennessee.